Littera textualis or textura evolved from late caroline minuscule. It is by far the most common bookhand of the later middle ages in Europe. The early, 11th- and 12th-century style is nominated littera prae-gothica. Striking symptoms of gothic textura are the extension, vertical alignment and breaking of all shafts; also from now on all vertical shafts are written on the line, not below it. Another characteristic is the application of 'biting' connectives, linking adjoining letters to each other.
Apart from a 'pure' textualis, several comparable scripts are to be distinguished: littera textualis (E), with a 'simple' a; littera textualis (Y), with loops; and littera textualis (Z), with both features combined. Their dispersment in and outside the Low Countries needs to be studied. A variant of textualis without shaft-breaking is sometimes referred to as 'rotunda' or Italiana.
Want et dinket mi wesen scande
Dat de lieden vanden lande
Ander giesten vele weten
Ende si des hebben vergheten
Wanen si selue sijn gheboren
Ende wie si waren hier tevoren
Die tlant wonnen entie erve
Daer si of nutten de bederue
Dat willic hier doen weten
Wie die lande hadden beseten
Recht als een dronken man
die sijn peert haestelike mit
sporen iaghet niet en merket
dat hi vol wijns is ende sijn arm
peert nauwe sat hoys is. Ende
want hijt ouer sijn macht doet
arbeyden so blijftet onder hem
ligghende. Ende comt spader ter
herberghe dan of hijt mit maten
ghedreuen hadde. Ende somtijt
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vrouwe in dye
gods en laet mi
niet beruspet wer-
den noch gheoer-
delt in sinen toer-
ne Om die
eer dijns naems o vrouwe so moet
ons die alre eerwaerdichste vrucht
dijns bloeyenden buucs ontfermen
Sample [...] Gnoscam te cognitor meI: cognoscaI te virtus anime mee. Ostende te mihi consolator meus: videam te lumen oculorum meorum. Veni gaudium spiritus mei; vide- am te leticia cordis mei: diligam te vita anime mee. Appare in delectacio mea mag na. solacium meum dulce: domine deus. vita et gloria tota anime mee. Inueniam te desiderium [...]