Sources and reference work
Alcuin. Regensburger Infothek der Scholastik
Beke's Chronicle (La, NL)
Online full-text of Johannis de Beke's Chronographia (in Latin) and its Dutch translation the Croniken van den Stichte van Utrecht ende van Hollant (in Middle Dutch).
Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (D)
Dictionary of religious authors / characters with biographies and extensive bibliography (both works by and secondary literature on).
Centre for Augustine Research (D)
Homepage of the Zentrum für Augustinus-forschung, providing a portal to the work of the Centre and information on publications.
Commbase (Eng)
Database of Medieval Commentators on Aristotle and Peter Lombard's Sentences.
Digital Library of Dutch Literature (DBNL), Medieval section (NL)
Online resource in Dutch. Presents a large number of reference works and sources on medieval literature as full-text.
Franciscan Archive (Eng)
Full-text sources (in Latin, with translations in different languages) and references concerning the history of the Franciscan Order.
Giovanna MURANO, incipit list of Canon Law
A shortlist of canonical works, arranged by their incipit words and with reference to the manuscripts.
Latin Writers, a list of Identifications (Eng)
List of latin writers and texts occurring in British medieval book catalogues, in searchable pdf-files.
English Portal to the pages of, a private enterprise devoted to studies in medieval German and Latin culture. Its aim is to provide an extensive and reliable compilation of current information, sources and tools for medieval studies.
Medieval Canonists (Eng)
Listing of medieval canonical collections and canonists, with biographical information and bibliography.
Monastic Matrix (Eng)
Scholarly resource for the study of women's Religious Communities from 400-1600 AD.
Musica devota, centre for music of the Devotio Moderna (D)
Orbis latinus (D)
Online version of Graesse's Orbis Latinus, a listing of Latin geographical names and their modern versions.
Repertorium Chronicarum (Eng)
Bibliography of manuscripts of Medieval Latin chronicles
Repertorium van Eigennamen in Middelnederlandse Literaire Teksten (NL)
Dictionary of personal names in Middle Dutch literary texts.
The Catholic Encyclopedia (Eng)
Encyclopedia of all aspects of the Catholic faith, concerning both past and present of the Roman Catholic Church.
The ORB (Eng)
Extensive online reference book for medieval studies, hosted by the City University of New York
Vita religiosa (Eng,D,Fr,It)
Portal to online resources on the religious orders, also serving as a platform for institutions to present their research activities.
Vulgate Bible (Eng, La)
Complete text of the Vulgate, with index and search-function
What Every Medievalist Should Know (WEMSK) (Eng)
Introduction to the Online Reference Book for the non-specialist and the beginning medievalist.